Hi, im zach
I combine a passion for helping people who are suffering from physical pain and the afflictions of stress with the technical expertise in various massage and wellness techniques. I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist for 9 years. Modalities include: Swedish, deep tissue, Table Thai, neuromuscular, myofascial release, myoskeletal alignment, trigger point, etc.
Having been an experienced meditator for 12 years and 400 hours with a Qi Gong master, I have added Qi Gong cleansing (Reiki meets Tai Chi) and Yoga Nidra Guided Energy meditation to my repertoire, in order to further help those seeking chakra work guidance to align their mind with it’s desired purpose.
With the requisite knowledge and passion to alleviate pain and a decade of meditation experience that gives me a deep insight into those who suffer from stress, you can be assured that your session will have the optimal outcome that you are looking for.